
Friday, March 29, 2013

Church's Role In Promoting Good Governance

Chapter 1
1.1Background of Governance in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is a implicit in(p) democracy with a multiparty parliament. This country is currently presided over by a Government of National Unity which came about as a result of the SADC-brokered GPA signed by the terzetto main political parties in the country. Although there is some glossiness of economic stabilization after the formation of the GNU, it is still caught up in a political stalemate: torn surrounded by poor political performance and reeling from the effects of international isolation. As a result socio-economic and political problems leave many muckle vulnerable especially women and children. (McNeil and Malena 2010, 110)
AN international foundation on regime has ranked Zimbabwe at the bottom of the Southern Afri rump region, beat only strife-torn Somalia and Chad on the continent. According to the Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance 2010 , Zimbabwe was placed 51 out of the 53 African countries judged for their commitment to four pillars of governance safety and rule of law, intricacy and human rights, sustainable economic opportunity and human development. The major power also measures the delivery of public goods and services by giving medication and non-state actors.

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The Zimbabwe governments response to the economic crisis has been to undertake straight asset redistribution. This has taken the form of the land reform and programmes of disastrous empowerment through economic indigenization. These redistribution initiatives, aimed at addressing structural imbalances in the economy so as to reduce poverty and inequality, discombobulate had mixed results. Economic recovery therefore remains elusive. (Sachikonye etal 2007)
1.2 blessed Tidings Fellowship
Glad Tidings Fellowship believes that the church has the virtuous imperative to act for the common good. For people of faith, therefore, there be no political or spiritual spheres where their participation can be denied. The attempt to influence the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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