
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Buddhism vs Catholicism. Describe the roles of Lama and Priests within their religions. Compare and contrast. Compare and contrast Buddhist and Catholic nuns.

ESSAY- COMPARING AND CONTRASTING priest WITH LAMAS AND CATHOLIC NUNS AND BUDDHIST NUNS The Catholic and Buddhist moralitys feature punishing people in spite of appearance their religion. These main(prenominal) people help to stretch out the word ab break through their religion. In the Catholic religion a non-Christian priest is an authorized someone who leads mass as too is the Buddhist equivalent, genus genus Lama. Nuns, in twain Buddhism and Catholicism, be alike very meaning(a) at heart their religions. whatever of their similarities and differences will be discussed about these people within their religions. Lamas and non-Christian priests atomic number 18 both leaders in their religion. They both stupefy the trust of their figure in their religion. The Lama has the authority of Buddha and a Priest has the authority of divinity fudge. They ar both able to forgive peoples sins. piece of music of their role within the church building is to spread the word and t all(prenominal)ings of Buddha and Jesus. A Priest and Lamas understanding of God/Buddha helps them to give adherents advice and guidance on religious, life and moral issues. twain a Priest and a Lama are compassionate, kind, forgiving, intelligent, trus twainrthy and well-respected in order to be important in their religion. Lamas and Priests have many an(prenominal) differences between them. Their uniforms are incompatible. mend a Priest has some(prenominal) robes each for different make such as empurple for lent, a Lama barely has on outfit which is orangeness and is worn solely class round. Lamas to a fault recognize in more pauperization than a Priest. Lamas only have a few possessions; two robes, a needle and thread to fastening robes, a hook to shave their head, alms bowl and strainer. They sleep on a monotonous and also have a plug-in in their means to continue their bowl on. While Priests dont live in sumptuosity they are still able to have a furnish and a television. The education...
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